The Chakra Set Information

Here is some great information about the 7 chakras. These are the specific crystals you will find in the our Chakra set. 

The 7 Primary Chakra Colors

  1. Red – First Chakra: Red Jasper
  2. Orange – Second Chakra: Carnelian
  3. Yellow – Third Chakra: Citrine
  4. Green – Fourth Chakra: Green Aventurine
  5. Blue (sapphire blue or turquoise) – Fifth Chakra: Lapis Lazuli
  6. Purple (or deep indigo) – Sixth Chakra: Amethyst
  7. White (or purplish white) – Seventh Chakra: Clear Quartz (and/or Quartz Geode) 

Each color reflects a type of vibration or frequency radiating through the chakras. The color chart is based on yogic traditions, as well as contemporary healing schools of thought. The chakra colors reflect different frequencies of light and energy associated with each energy center.                                                                                       

Red Chakra: Root chakra (first chakra) symbolizes safety, survival, grounding, nourishment from the Earth energy.

Orange Chakra: Sacral chakra (second chakra) is associated with emotions, creativity, sexuality, and is associated with water, flow.

Yellow Chakra: Solar plexus chakra (third chakra) symbolizes mental activities, intellect, personal power, will.

Green Chakra: Heart chakra (fourth chakra) is connected with love, relating, integration, compassion.

Blue Chakra: Throat chakra (fifth chakra) symbolizes self expression, expression of truth, creative expression, communication, perfect form and patterns

Purple Chakra (or deep indigo blue): Third eye chakra (sixth chakra) evokes intuition, extrasensory perception, inner wisdom.

White Chakra (or purple): Crown chakra (seventh chakra) is associated with the universal, connection with spirituality, consciousness. If you see purple around someone’s upper body while they are talking about their life goals, it might be due to a strong focus from their third eye chakra, an energy center we commonly rely on when we envision our purpose or use our intuition.

Seeing flashes or a haze of pink around someone’s upper body may indicate the heart is involved and contributing to coloring the auric field. The aura can be seen as the electromagnetic field that surrounds the body. Its colors reflect the energy flowing through the chakras and can be correlated to the state of the various bodily functions, as well as emotions and other psycho-spiritual elements. Heart energy is usually depicted as green but sometimes it can radiate in shades of pink when one feels strong emotional qualities of love and compassion.

When you connect a crystal with an energy center, you can match the crystal color with its corresponding chakra to increase coherence and add power to the crystal. Some crystals have healing properties that correspond to more than one energy center. Although crystal color matters, your personal connection to the crystal and how it resonates with you will increase its power. Your favorite healing crystal is a tool you can use to focus healing energy to a specific area of the body.

Colors can symbolize certain physical or emotional qualities reflected through flow of energy in the body. Pink in the heart chakra area may mean that the person you’re looking at is experiencing strong feelings of love or compassion.

A few chakra colors may purely be related to physical and energetic manifestations in the human body. Red can signify that there is inflammation. Dark grey spots may show a strong deficiency or disturbance in the energy field.

We hope this information is helpful. Love, Shannon & Sofia at Transcends Monthly.